Mat Training Sessions
The Pilates Bern mat training sessions are dynamic and last 60 minutes. We guide you through precise, controlled and at the same time flowing movements - with or without small devices - integrate the Pilates, Bodymotion and fascia principles and guide you in each case with different variants of an exercise - from easy to demanding. Regardless of your age and physical fitness, you improve your posture, coordination and breathing. You strengthen your entire body, especially the deep core muscles, and bring yourself into balance. You will also feel the positive effect of your mat training in everyday life or when practicing other sports. According to Joseph Pilates: "After 10 hours you will feel the difference, after 20 you will see it and after 30 you will have a new body feeling".
In order to start your mat training optimally, we recommend an individual beginner training or participation in one of our beginner workshops (in German).