Restore Mobility, Reduce Pain, Enhance Performance

Our fascial network extends throughout the entire body, surrounding and connecting organs, bones, muscles, and joints. It even reaches into organs and cells, making it highly responsive to everything we do, think, and feel.

Relieve pain and reduce stress
Improve body function and maintain mobility
Enhance movement freedom in daily life and sports 

This technique targets fascial restrictions and adhesions, restoring resilience to your connective tissue. Your therapist will guide you through tailored stretches while you remain in comfortable clothing, either on a massage table or using Pilates equipment.

✔ Enhances fascial glide, mobilises joints & creates space
✔ Releases blockages & improves posture & body awareness
✔ Optimises natural body function & boosts performance
✔ Supports athletic performance with effective, lasting results
✔ Based on the latest scientific research
✔ Gentle yet powerful – activates the autonomic nervous system

Pricing & Booking
Available as a Personal Training/Therapy Session (55 minutes)
Single Session (25 min) – CHF 70
Single Session (55 min) – CHF 140
5-Session Pass (55 min, valid for 3 months) – CHF 670
10-Session Pass (55 min, valid for 6 months) – CHF 1300
20-Session Pass (55 min, valid for 12 months) – CHF 2500

👉 Book your session

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